On behalf of my Deputy, Eric Hampson, and myself, we should like to welcome you to this, our New Website.

As the next few months go by we shall be adding lots more information, write-ups, photographs, diary notes and, we hope, some input from you. We are trying to make this an informative and accessible point of contact for this wonderful Division of ours.

Do you have a special meeting coming up? Let us know and we’ll do our best to get one of our team along to take pictures. Of course, if you want to do that yourself, you can email all the photos, along with a short write-up, to Robert Jones who will arrange for the whole to be checked over and put up on the Website.

We hope you will find this Website a very useful part of your Division and look forward to hearing from you.

We should also like to express our thanks to all those who have given so much of their time in helping us to launch his, our new Website.

With Very Best Wishes for this forthcoming year,